Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Best Commission

Honestly, this is the "best" commission I've ever made.
Because I like the character. The more ugly the character, the more ugly the commission's result lol

Doodle part 2

Some doodle I've made *A*
First is a character I adopt from my friend. Her name is Astaria.
Second is ureshiijelek's oc.
Third is yamio's oc.

BW2: Mei

The game is fun!

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Remake: Patchouli

Remake! now with BG -__-

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Mine and Frosty

Get Free Music at www.divine-music.info
Get Free Music at www.divine-music.info

Patchouli Knowledge

For a Touhou artbook. I was invited to be her guest artist!
Be sure to buy it at JCC Jakarta from 27 June - 1 July 2012 at LB 17
Check out my deviantart and my Tumblr

Neko Miku

This picture is perfect for your desktop wallpaper!
Full picture here!